Workshkop with Bilateral meeting, 17-19 of October 2016 Tuzla


Registration and welcome coffee at 12:00 at conference room of rectorate UNTZ. Bilateral workshop meeting start at 12:30. Due to the impossibility of attending a larger number of planned meetings with partner institutions and the lack of money in the budget for travel (not consumption tranche of equipment because of the repeat tender procedures), at a bilateral meeting with members UNTZ team came prof. Milivoj Vulić from the University of Ljubljana.

During the first day of the meeting discussed the activities that can be undertaken by the two partner institutions on the sustainability of the project. It was agreed to closer cooperation between the two universities in terms of building common OER materials and participation in joint projects which will allow better sustainability BAEKTEL network.

Working session start at 10:00 in conference room of faculty of mining, geology and civil engineering. According to plan of regional meeting at UNTZ made a working session related to organizing a roundtable with entrepreneurs. At 13:00 was done information day with students Faculty of mining, geology and civil engineering. Students are informed about status of portal and as well as portal.

Meeting starts at 10:00. Working session made related to options of creating of video OER materials. Prof. Vulić gave a suggestions about procedures for making video materials. Together with laboratory assistant MSc. Hodzic and MSc. Eldin made was preparations for creating content related to laboratory testing of explosion materials with modern and unique equipment in the Balkans. Due to the specific equipment and test methods such OER material will certainly be interesting to look at and study a much broader student population.

After a pause was continued to work meeting where he discussed how to do the licensing of the materials and which license type is best suited for certain types of materials. It was agreed to jointly go through all OER materials posted by UNTZ and determine the type of license.