
DEV 1. Analysis and review of Open Educational Resources (OER) principles and practice

No. Deliverable Start date Delivery date Type BCMS EN
1.1 Report on existing European practice and principles in development of Open Educational Resources (OER) 12/01/2013 02/28/2014 Report DEV 1.1 BCMS DEV 1.1 EN
1.2 Summary of policy level documents addressing OER in European HE institutions 12/01/2013 02/28/2014 Report DEV 1.2 BCMS DEV 1.2 EN
1.3 Report on legal and technological conditions pertaining to OER in WB PC 02/03/2014 05/30/2014 Report DEV 1.3 BCMS DEV 1.3 EN

DEV 2. Establishing a framework for OER development in WB PC

No. Deliverable Start date Delivery date Type BCMS EN
2.1 Procedures and guidelines for publishing OER content by academic and entrepreneurial institutions in the WB region 04/01/2014 07/31/2014 Other products DEV 2.1 BCMS DEV 2.1 EN
2.2 Workshops to facilitate adoption of common regulations for publishing OER content, especially within individual universities in WB 08/04/2014 11/28/2014 Training DEV 2.2
2.3 Conceptual model of the ICT solution for BAEKTEL OER framework 08/04/2014 11/28/2014 Other products DEV 2.3
2.4 Equipped institutions with infrastructure to support BAEKTEL 01/01/2014 06/27/2014 Other products DEV 2.4

DEV 3. Development of BAEKTEL infrastructure

No. Deliverable Start date Delivery date Type BCMS EN
3.1 Individual BAEKTEL nodes in WB PC 10/01/2014 02/27/2015 Other products DEV 3.1
3.2 Common BAEKTEL portal for indexing all available OER and other supporting TEL content 11/03/2014 08/31/2015 Other products DEV 3.2
3.3 Multilingual terminological resources and services used for supporting OER multilinguality 05/01/2014 10/31/2016 Learning resources DEV 3.3
3.4 Trained persons responsible for preparation of OER content 02/02/2015 11/30/2015 Training DEV 3.4

DEV 4. Development of initial domain specific OER content repositories

No. Deliverable Start date Delivery date Type EN
4.1 Educational and expert materials for OER repositories 03/02/2015 10/30/2016 Learning resources DEV 4.1
4.2 Full functioning BAEKTEL network 09/01/2015 10/30/2016 Learning resources DEV 4.2
4.3 Representative learner group 02/01/2016 10/30/2016 Training DEV 4.3
4.4 Improved BAEKTEL network content 05/02/2016 11/30/2016 Learning resources DEV 4.4

QPLN 5. Quality control and monitoring

No. Deliverable Start date Delivery date Type EN
5.1 Internal quality assurance reports 01/01/2014 04/15/2017 Report DEV 5.1
5.2 Annual external quality control and monitoring reports 01/01/2014 04/15/2017 Report DEV 5.2
5.3 Reports on inter-project coaching 10/01/2014 04/15/2017 Report DEV 5.3

DISS 6. Dissemination

No. Deliverable Start date Delivery date Type EN
6.1 Interactive project website 12/01/2013 11/30/2016 Other products DEV 6.1
6.2 Round tables and special sessions within enterprises 11/02/2015 09/30/2016 Events DEV 6.2
6.3 Student information days 01/04/2016 09/30/2016 Events DEV 6.3
6.4 Media coverage, presentation of conferences and journal articles 11/03/2014 11/30/2016 Events DEV 6.4

EXP 7. Sustainability

No. Deliverable Start date Delivery date Type EN
7.1 Sustainability strategy for BAEKTEL and employer/student support committees 04/01/2014 11/30/2016 Report DEV 7.1
7.2 Capacity for continuous inflow of adequate resources 09/01/2014 11/30/2016 Other products DEV 7.2
7.3 Start-up initiative for a broader regional Balkan OER network – BOER 08/01/2016 10/30/2016 Other products DEV 7.3 DEV 7.3

MNGT 8. Project management

No. Deliverable Start date Delivery date Type
8.1 Overall project management and administration 12/01/2013 11/30/2016 Other products
8.2 Regional coordination meetings 12/01/2013 10/30/2016 Other products
8.3 Annual project coordination meetings 12/01/2013 11/30/2016 Other products