Dissemination and technical meeting, 24-25 of September 2015, Belgrade

e-learning 2015

The first part of the meeting was dedicated to dissemination activities and was organized in cooperation with Belgrade Metropolitan University. Dissemination of project results took place at Metropolitan University, Tadeuša Košćuška 63, in the scope of the “e-Learning 2015” conference. The technical part of the meeting, preceded by an inter-project coaching session with the INCOMING project took place at University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology, in Đušina 7.

Within the round table of the “e-Learning 2015” conference entitled "Modern trends in e-learning" with the participation of Roberto Linzalone and Ivan Obradović several issues have been elaborated; personalized e-learning, awareness and prevention of cultural conflicts in international e-learning scenarios, business models of MOOCs, open educational resources in e-learning: challenges and pitfalls, managing e-learning projects for value creation, re-thinking digital textbooks – teachers and students as co-authors and MOOCs tomorrow.

Within the “eLearning 2015” conference sessions a number of papers with project results were presented. Biljana Lazić presented the development of open educational resources (OER) for natural language processing on http://edx.baektel.eu/. The role of the semantic annotation was elaborated by Ranka Stanković, with LRMI markup of OER content within the BAEKTEL project. Marija Radijičić drew attention on possibility for implementing e-portfolios within an academic environment.

Roberto Linzalone elaborated the topic of formative evaluation of e-learning projects with the logical framework approach. The impact of e-learning in chemistry education was reported by Tatjana Anđelković. Development of standards in e-learning were presented Marija Blagojević, while Security in e-learning: integrated user-centric approach by Marjan Milošević. Saša Tatar presented the use of open educational resources in the teaching process at Faculty of Architecture, followed by Snežana Šćepanović who reported on the possibilities for gamification in higher education learning with state of the art, challenges and opportunities.

At the inter-project coaching with the INCOMING project with the participation of Mart Laanpere, from Tallinn University, several topics were discussed related to project management, dissemination, quality assurance and possible cooperation in production and publishing of educational resources. Namely, BAEKTEL offered its resource framework to INCOMING for publishing course material and/or some additional educational resources related to teaching interdisciplinary subjects. Mart will present that offer at next INCOMING meeting.

Mart shared his experiences related to accreditation of 4 out of 6 INCOMING interdisciplinary programs. He was asked about alignment between planned and realized mobility, and he said that it is pretty aligned, but that they adapt to the needed activities and personal availability. He praised the BAEKTEL web site and dissemination activities. He stated his opinion that students’ activities and other low cost possibilities should be used wherever possible. On the issue of sustainability he didn't have a specific answer, stating that it is in general a problem to assure it. A survey of OER awareness among students by means of a questionnaire can be performed in order to establish the state of the common knowledge about OER. Also, some kind of event with Comtrade, an industrial partner, as well as other industry partner can be initiated with the main topic of interdisciplinarity. He also elaborated the loss of communication with entrepreneurial partners, due to organizational changes in those companies and institutions.

During the technical meeting Snežana Šćepanović reported statistics on Facebook and mentioned that it is increasing but that it still can be much better. She proposed a cheap advertising option (50-100€) in order to increase the web visibility of BAEKTEL. Everybody agreed in general but it was concluded that before (first) results of WP4, any dissemination of OER for students (via students’ day) and advertising could be counterproductive.

Ranka Stanković gave an overview of activities within WP3 and stressed the need for gathering and producing lexical and language resources e.g. glossaries, vocabularies etc. She reported that the final version of Dev 3.1 has been published and that Dev 3.2 is 95% finished: only the integration part is missing. Dev 3.2 report should include a procedure for publishing from the development to production edX server. Ivan Obradović shared his experience from the 2nd Internet of Education Conference 2015, where among other issues, the TraMOOC project for translating OER developed within the Horizon2020 was presented, as well as EMMA - European Multiple MOOC Aggregator, transLectures - Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures, and Active2Trans - Active Interaction for Speech Transcription and Translation. A discussion on translation of scripts for video lectures followed.

The next meeting is foreseen in Niš, Marko Živković will send the invitation. The topic will be related to network management. Snežana Šćepanović drew attention to OpenPROF, Open Professional Collaboration for Innovation project http://openprof.eu/oer, with the link to open resources used for OER production.

Initial activities within WP4 were reported by Danijela Milošević. It was agrred that the minimal number of OER per each regional university parent should be 3 and that the first results are expected at the beginning of December. Besides edX courses, various other forms of resources should be included. A review of the external QA report was given by Roberto Linzalone, while Ranka Stanković reported on internal QA reports. Coordination of the activities for the 4th QA internal report was delegated to UNI.

Roberto Linzalone pointed out the importance of supplying the cover letter with specification about type and content when submitting financial scanned documents in regional languages. Contacting Fiat Serbia (FCA Serbia) at the initiative of Nenad Stefanović from UNIKG was discussed and it was agreed that a platform for initiating this contact should be prepared.

At the end of meeting, Ivan Obradović summarized the main points of the meeting, outlining a to-do-list with clear identifications of main milestones and check-points for the future.