ICT solution-working meeting, 4-5 of March 2015 Niš, Serbia

Meeting was held regarding the User management concept. The idea was to test database synchronisation across BAEKTEL nodes. First day of the meeting was testing the concept. All know possibilities were tested and the development of the user management platform was agreed. All the database queries were prepared and complete algorithm. It was agreed to develop test platform and to test the concept again.

Nikola Vulović was working on the platform while Dalibor Vorkapić and Marko Živković were working on the necessary adjustments to the test bed environment. After several hours of heavy development the team had a proof of concept. The platform was able to provide self registration and to write across multiple user databases at the same time. This provided the team with synced tables across nodes, which gave users the opportunity to keep the user/password combination. It was agreed to further the development after the meeting and to guide the development via mail.

Platform should provide self-service to the users – so there would be no administrator intervention. Users should be able to register, reset password. Links from EDX for registering and are to be replaced with redirections to newly developed platform for user management. For the user it should be seamless – lie if there was no redirection and everything was happening in the EDX node. Each partner institution should have administrator access to this platform in case there is need for admin intervention. Platform should provide administrators with the status of the user tables for the debugging purposes.

It was agreed to plan another meeting when the development is finished to do thorough testing.