Training and Dissemination Meeting, Niš, November 18-19, 2014

Training and Dissemination Meeting, Niš
MEETING SUMMARY – Training and Dissemination Meeting, Niš, November 18-19, 2014

Training and dissemination meeting of the BAEKTEL project was held at the University of Niš, Serbia. Meeting was attended by representatives of the following universities: Basilicata, Ljubljana, Belgrade, Kragujevac, Banja Luka, Tuzla, the University Mediterranean and, of course, the University of Niš as hosting institution. On behalf of the rectorate of the University of Niš welcome speech was delivered by Prof. Zoran Nikolić, Vice-Rector.

The first day of the meeting started with the presentation "Structure and Content of OER - Good Practice Guide" delivered by Marko Milojković. He pointed to the different definitions of OER's and emphasized that when talking about the structure and content of OER one need to know what are the educational needs of the market, which are the target groups and finally what are the learning outcomes. The next presentation, "Importance of OER's in Higher Education: Motivation for Creation OER's" was delivered by Ranka Stanković. She stressed the importance of motivation for those who create OER materials, but also for those who will be users only. Marko Živković spoke about Methodology for Creation OER's. He ended up with some details about the Creative Commons licences and rules of their application. Next presentation "Extracting, Indexing and Using Metadata" was delivered by Nikola Vulović. He discussed about grouping system metadata in a number of groups using Dublin Core with 15 data types and LOM standard and about combination of both ones. In the afternoon "OER workshop: Creation edX Course" was conducted by Miladin Kotorčević. He introduced the procedures for user registration, the standards for definition of general and specific structures of OER documents and the methodology of uploading documents, images and files to the BAEKTEL platform.

The second day was devoted to the conference GIS Day 2014, which was held at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering. Some BAEKTEL members took place in the conference by delivering their contributions generally connected to the GIS technologies.

Photo gallery is available on official facebook page [link].