Inter project coaching BAEKTEL –CaSA Novi Sad, September 26th, 2016
MEETING SUMMARY – Final Conference confirmed outstanding CaSA
Final conference of the TEMPUS project CaSA (Building Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to Link with Society) was held at Faculty of agriculture at University of Novi Sad. Event took place from September 26th to September 28th. Within the conference, cooperation and colaboration between two TEMPUS projects CaSA and BAEKTEL was presented. Special attention was paid on the achieved results and plans for future collaboration.
There were discussed about softver solutions for these two projects. Advantages and disadvantages were compared. There were shared experiences in overcoming some challanges in applying softver solutions. Especialy there were stressed importance of institutional support for creating, sharing and publishing of OER materilas. Also there were discussed about sustainability of TEPUS projects such as CaSA and BAEKTEL.
In the main part were presented collaboration between TEMPUS project CaSA and TEMUS project BAEKTEL. Work on terminological dictionary was presented. Audience have had opportunity to see some aditional options on TERMI application.
There were made draft plan for future collaboration. Next steps are based on connecting terms from TERM application to NARA (National Repository for Agricultural Education) and reverse. Also, there was talk of describing the resources of project CaSA at BAEKTEL repository Resource space, in order to increase visibility.