First Baektel Regional Meeting, Podgorica, May 8-9th, 2014

First Regional Meeting, Podgorica
MEETING SUMMARY – First Baektel Regional Meeting, Podgorica, May 8-9th, 2014

On May 8-9, 2014 the First BAEKTEL Regional Meeting was held in Podgorica, Montenegro, gathering representatives from all partner institutions except University of Tuzla and ArcelorMittal Prijedor.

The Vice-rector of the University “Mediterranean” welcomed meeting participants followed by Professor Snežana Šćepanović's introductory note on aims and scope of the meeting, agenda and logistic information for all partners, with an emphasis of the importance of the expected meeting outputs for effective implementation of the OER portal and regional OER action plans.

After giving a review of the work on the WP1 including finished reports for Deliverables 1.1 - Analysis of Existing European Practice and Principles in Development of Open Educational Resources (OER) and 1.2 - Review of Policy Level Documents Addressing OER in European HE Institutions, Assistant Professor Goran Vižintin from the University of Ljubljana summarized the structure and main goals of the WP1 reports. Open discussion between WP1 Leader and partners brought some important conclusions related to the intellectual property policies as well as the policies concerning staff payment and incentives.

Due to the slightly delayed start of project activities, partners agreed that the deadline for completion of WP1 should be extended to the end of September 2014. Partners also established the deadlines for creating Deliverable 1.3 in SR and EN language (July 15, 2014 and August 15, 2014) and decided that the University “Mediterranean” and University of Kragujevac will be in charge for translating and proofreading Deliverable 1.1 and Deliverable 1.2 to SR.

Saša Tatar from the University of Banja Luka (UBL) presented the overall plan for activities in WP2 which include: defining the Creative Commons license (based on WP 1.2 and WP 1.3) under which OER can be used; creating strategies for promoting and encouraging the usage of OER content among students and teachers as well as for its development; defining the minimal technical requirements for ensuring the existence of ICT resources and access to OER for staff and students; creating guidelines for staff education for developing skills to assemble and evaluate existing and create new OER.

During the meeting, Dalibor Vorkapić (UB) presented the edX platform and Jelena Prodanović (UB) presented the OpenMooc platform discussing main features with partners. Both platforms are available online for testing. At the end of this session partners discussed DEV 2.4 - Improving ICT infrastructure to support BAEKTEL.

On the second day, Ranka Stanković from the University of Belgrade (UB) presented the Action plan road map for WP3 and stressed the importance of defining conceptual design for OER platform (DEV 2.3) for successful indexing of OER and TEL content (DEV 3.2) and creating terminological resources and services (DEV 3.3).

Partners agreed to discuss deadlines and Action plan for WP3 during the Technological meeting in Podgorica (June 23-24, 2014).

The next BAEKTEL Working Meeting was planned for May 26-27 in Belgrade, hosted by the University of Belgrade.

Photo gallery is available on official facebook page [link].