Workshop regional meeting in Belgrade

Training Meeting, Belgrade
MEETING SUMMARY – Workshop regional meeting, Belgrade, Serbia, 11 and 12 may, 2016

The meeting was organized as a two days’ workshop with regional partners from WB. It took place at University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, 1st floor, room 152.

Apart from WB partners, colleagues from TEMPUS CaSa project Vesna Poleksić and Milevica Bojović were present and they took active part in the workshop.

First day of meeting was dedicated to WP4 activities. Danijela Milosevic from UNIKG gave an overview on performed peer to peer (internal) evaluation of BAEKTEL edX courses. Saša Tatar from UBL argued that courses which should be placed on the edX platform have to be complete and obligatory have the form of the course with: the video material, the quizzes (knowledge tests) and that the entire material should be prepared in edX format, not uploaded .pdf , .ppt, ... It is also proposed that all the YouTube video is published under CC license, not a standard YouTube license.

It was agreed that each institution should create a representative learner group whose members will be students and junior employees. The results of survey questionnaire will offer information about the value of published materials and the overall impression and experiences students got from attending this type of courses.

Several questions were raised, such as: Did the course attract enough learners? Were they sufficiently qualified? Did most of them complete the course? Why did learners drop out or not complete the course? Was the standard high enough? Was the course cost-effective? Were the learners satisfied? Were other stakeholders satisfied? What needs to be changed?

Nenad Stefanovic, also from UNIKG presented a proposal for mutual agreement on OER minimal structure (according to type), content and metadata description. He gave an example of how to set the CC license of edX.

Marija Blagojevic from UNIKG presented proposal template for verification of OER evaluation. This template is related to external evaluation and partners concluded that the proposed template should be revised. This template should recognize different types of OER and provide to teachers to choose specific questions they need for evaluation.

The examples of internal evaluation were shown and during discussion it was concluded that the proposed form is applicable for performing internal evaluation.

The second day of meeting was dedicated to Dev 3.3. Ranka Stanković gave an introduction into state of the art of the deliverable “Multilingual terminological resources and services used for supporting OER multilinguality”.

After a short introduction she gave the language support system overview. The multilingual resources were explained thought the computer-lexicographical process for online dictionaries, terminological standards TBX and TMX, as well as guidelines. Brief overview of translation tools was presented with OmegaT, MemoQ andSDL Trados.

Presentation of services for multilingual support included Termi application demonstration available at

Marija Radojičić from UB performed training for using Termi application. The data entry into the application was demonstrated and all meeting participant actively joined the data entry session. Before the meeting, each partner has prepared at least 20 term entries with definitions and 5 bibliographies, in order to speed up data entry during workshop session.

Possibility of terminology integration within OER of different type was demonstrated. Entry of data should be continued in next period and, generally speaking, it should be from the same domain as OER (per partner).

A full description of term contains: the term and definition in Serbian and in English, bibliographic reference from which the term definition was taken. Joint work did not result in any suggestions for Termi application improvement.

It was agreed that the next regional workshop meeting will be held in Banja Luka. At the end of meeting, Ivan Obradović summarized the main points of the meeting, outlining a to-do-list with clear identifications of main milestones and checkpoints for the future.

It was concluded that the CaSa project can have also benefits from using Termi application and a working and inter-project coaching meeting was scheduled for beginning of June.

Photo gallery is available on official facebook page [link].